KB - Thera-Glide Transitional

Identify Your Part
Using the identifying number, you can find the part number in the table below. Click on the drop downs below to view the links to the parts where you can order online.
Parts List
Thera-Glide Wood - Click to expand
#1 - TP-01-xx-DR T Series Right Side Wooden Leg and Metal Rail Support
#2 - TP-01-xx-GA T Series Left Side Wooden Leg and Metal Rail Support
#3 - TP-02-xx-DR Right Side Wooden Frame with Metal Fixation Bracket
#4 - TP-02-xx-GA Left Side Wooden Frame with Metal Fixation Bracket
#5 - TP-010-22 Base and Rocker Set (includes 6-8)
#6 - TP-011-22 Height Adjustable Base Frame
#7 - TP-012-22 - Front Swing Arm
#8 - TP-013-22 - Rear Swing Arm
#9 - TP-031-22 Seat Frame with Assmbled Zigzag frames
#10 - TP-033-2 - Backrest Frame with Glued Foam and Mechanism
#11 - RP-01 - Left or RIght Rear Anti-tip with Wheel
#12 - RP-50 Thera-Glide Hole Cover Washer
#13 - RP-1060 - Thera-Glide Backrest Activation System
#14 - RP-1080 - Thera-Glide Lockign Cylinder with Hardware
#15 - STP0101 Locking System Control Cable
#16 - TU-01-22 Backrest Cover Only
#18 - TU-03R - Right Outer Upholstered Panel
#19 - TU-03L - Left Outer Upholstered Panel
#20 - TU-04R Right Inner Upholstered Panel
#21 - TU-04L - Left Inner Upholstered Panel